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Reflecting on Reflections (LU)

This past weekend, our class took a turn for me.  A good turn.  I know my classmates "see" each other on Tuesday nights as a whole group...

Letting the Learners Learn (LU)

I've just finished up my weekly web chat for class and it wrapped up with how do we truly provide students with authentic learning...

Ownership Part 2 (LU)

I left off on my previous Ownership blog post discussing my move from one Google drive to another and one eportfolio platform to another....

ePortfolios and Digital Reflection (LU)

This week, my assignment was to discuss with my classmates why we should use ePortfolios. I've spent a lot of time working on my...

Want to start an ePortfolio? (LU)

Michael Yakubovsky (2018) said "the biggest take-away for me at the moment was the concept of the portfolio not being a collection of...

Update - What's New (LU)

As I have been working in my eportfolio this week, I have added an About Me page where you'll find some family and pet photos along with...

Ownership (LU)

I recently, as in 24 hours ago, had to purposefully STOP investigating platforms so that I could focus on ownership of my eportfolio....

Picking a Platform (LU)

My new class has begun and I've got lots of websites started.  Too many passwords to remember.  I'm signed in to WordPress, Adobe Spark...

Spreading my Wings (LU)

In the Spring of 1999, I graduated from the University of Oklahoma.  Boomer Sooner! By Fall '99, I had started grad school as it was part...

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