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Innovation Plan Timeline (LU)

Writer's picture: Ann CroweAnn Crowe

Updated: Nov 11, 2018

Classmates and whoever else may find this along the way,

I have an idea and I present it to you. Thoughts, feedback, suggestions and the occasional kudos are welcome. At the bottom of the page, there should be a place to click to "log in to leave a comment."

UPDATED - Here's a working copy of the redesign! Click on image to see it full screen.

This was the original proposal...I'm reworking it.

Blended Learning IPET Proposal Timelime

Spring Semester 2019


  • Schedule time with Marsha Canup to discuss semester goals and dates for the blended learning pilot

  • Create feedback form for use in May - what do we want students to walk away with?

  • My personal goal would be for the senior IPET students to deliver two blended lessons by mid may


  • Model blended learning in the senior IPET classes at least two times (classes are 90 min long A/B Block schedule)

  • Topics to cover: Blended Learning - the what and why* & the SAMR model - a laptop is not a thousand dollar pencil*

*Both topic lessons will be designed based on trainings created by the AISD instructional technology team for campus instructional coaches. Considerations will be made for the age of the IPET students, the time they are in class at AHS and and TEKS related to technology use and lesson design in the IPET curriculum.


  • IPET students will generate a list of questions to ask the district level content area coordinators and specialists to determine the needs of the learners on their campuses

  • Facilitate a web based meeting between content coordinators and/or instructional specialists and IPET students to discuss curricular needs - even if available to meet in person, I would ask that we intentionally set up a meeting with these exports remotely to expose the IPET students to the valuable learning that can happen even when the teacher and student are not in the same physical space.

  • Help students brainstorm ideas for the blended lessons they would like to design


  • Help students design and deliver blended lessons to their assigned campuses

  • Collect feedback on student experiences

  • Senior IPET students graduate from Allen High School

  • Meet with Marsha to reflect on semester

  • Share examples of student created lessons with the Instructional Technology team, instructional coaches and instructional specialists - this assumes that students create the lessons they would like

Fall 2019


  • Utilize feedback from Spring 2018 to guide changes and adjustments to lesson plans

  • Schedule time with Marsha Canup to discuss semester goals and dates for the continued blended learning pilot

  • Edit feedback form for use in December

  • My personal goal would be for the senior students to deliver three blended lessons by mid December


  • Co-teach blended lessons with Marsha Canup to both junior and senior level IPET classes at least two times


  • IPET students will generate a list of questions to ask the district level content area coordinators and specialists to determine the needs of the learners on their campuses

  • Facilitate a web based meeting between content coordinators and/or instructional specialists and IPET students

  • Help students brainstorm ideas for the blended lessons they would like to design


  • Assist students with design and delivery of their own blended lessons

  • Collect feedback on student experiences

  • Share examples of student created lessons with Instructional Technology team, instructional coaches and instructional specialists

Spring 2020

January - May

  • Graduate from Lamar University with MEd degree in Digital Learning and Leading

  • Utilize feedback from Fall 2019 to guide changes and adjustments to lesson plans

  • Edit feedback form

  • Support Marsha Canup’s work with her IPET students

  • My personal goal would be for the IPET students to delivery four blended lessons by mid May


  • Collect feedback on student experiences

  • Consider introducing blended learning concepts to sophomore level classes in the Fall of 2020

  • Share examples of student created lessons with Instructional Technology team, instructional coaches and instructional specialists


Want to see the updated timeline? The one that was revised after getting peer feedback? Click here.

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Brent Mischnick
Brent Mischnick
Nov 03, 2018

Peer Review #2


I really enjoyed your outline. I am impressed with how detailed you were able to get on each month and what will happen. Sounds like it will be a great setup involving students in every step of the way. I cannot wait to hear what kind of results you have and the feedback you receive from students involved in the roll out. I believe that incorporating students the way you have is going to make this implementation be so much more successful. Great job.


Nov 01, 2018

Peer Review 1


I think you have outlined an awesome innovation plan here. The fact that you have access to the Instructional Practices in Education and Training teacher and students, provides you the ideal laboratory to execute your plan. I love how your plan incorporates an iterative process that will bring about continuous improvement. In addition to facilitating web-based meetings between the students and instructional coaches, you might consider sharing the TEKS (standards) and any pacing calendars with the students to help them with their lesson creation. These students who do decide to go into a career in education will be far ahead of their peers because of your efforts. And the students will be on the receiving end…

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